Bad Days And How To Not Let Them Suck

One early morning, as I rushed to catch the cab before it took off without, my heels clicked against the tar road and people on their daily walk eyed my short skirt riding my thighs.

I huffed, puffed, and finally reached the rear door. Before I could pull it open, I realized I was missing my ID card which is mandatory to enter the fully-secured building.  I winced before asking, “bhaiyya, please can I get my ID?”

He refused. “The transport office is tracking my movement. I cannot wait any longer.”

And people think the transporter movies are crazy. Follow a driver who has got a panic button in the car, an entire transport team out for his blood and a mobile phone that continuously rings, the person on the other end just waiting to hear how shitty his day has gotten.

Anyway, after I got to my desk- after much back and forth, which wasn’t as bad as I am making it sound, a colleague asked me why I was frowning. I told her the entire thing and she asked, “that’s it?”

I sealed my lips.

That’s it? That’s it! I don’t know why I let such a small insignificant incident determine how my entire day would progress. it’s silly to believe everything will have a domino effect, you know.

I leave you with this thought for the day (or the next, depending on your time zone) – whenever something bad happens, say to yourself, “that’s it?” 

I know it sounds like a challenge to the universe, but you are simply questioning yourself. You are trying to find a ray of sunshine in a dungeon you built for yourself.

That’s it! (haha, see what I did there?)


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