Women Of Today

Disclaimer: This post does not intend to shame men nor women. Neither does it say the world is perfect. Just some thoughts shared aloud. 

I’ve always wanted to join the Toastmasters club. (Read now how Toastmasters helped me deliver a kickass toast at my sister’s wedding!)

If you haven’t heard about it, let me fill you in. So, a toastmasters club in a worldwide organization, open to everyone to improve communication and leadership skills.

I finally did and during one of our meetings, we had a pick and speak session called Table Topics. One topic a woman got was – Women of Today. Instantly my mind ran through what I would say if I was the one facing the audience. I knew I would talk about the ‘Me too’ movement. I don’t know why but my mind went there instantly. I don’t see myself as focusing on the negative first, but that’s what I do. The movement was a brave step forward-towards change, but the events that came to light under it weren’t of course.

So, I wouldn’t say surprising, but interesting to hear her point of view. She began her speech by saying:

today women have opportunities that years ago great-grandmothers, grandmothers and mothers did not.

Agreed, that today women still struggle, have to constantly prove their worth and excellence just to be at par with another man. But, it cannot be overlooked that there a chance of being heard. There is a chance of acting on it. Women are fired up today and empowered by other women. Unfortunately, some still play the role of tearing the other down when we already have a society to do that for them. But the world won’t change overnight, right? We all wish it would.

What’re your thoughts on women of today? Not to get controversial or shame men, but everyone has a right to an opinion and voicing it! Let’s hear yours.

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