Bad Liar

  I am a terrible liar. It's not because I`m out of practice. It's because I feel. I feel bad thinking how I would feel if I was in that person's shoes. I do think so much. It's a disease. And I wish it was contagious, at least then people would feel terrible before doing... Continue Reading →

The Fault In Your Strategy

  It's a normal Saturday and I`m hanging with my best friend near the library. We're discussing games and what homicide is. He's into the law stuff while I'm burying my face in WHAT THE HELL A COMPANY IS AND HOW IT IS FORMED!- when he looks up and says, "remember that girl we saw?... Continue Reading →

Girl Drama Is Injurious To Health

If men think understanding women is hard imagine how hard it is for a woman to understand another woman. One of the top things I`ve started hating is girl drama. I understand living in a hostel has its perks and drawbacks. But this many drawbacks!!!? The emotional rollercoaster is starting to get to me and... Continue Reading →

The Struggle is REAL.

We are all familiar with Snapchat. This app is different in its own way. You send snaps and that's how you chat. Simple. Right? WRONG. If you are between ages 12 - 21 you know what a pain it is to have friends you send snaps to everyday. People below that age are clueless kids... Continue Reading →

Learn from Fake Barbie.

courtesy : Pintrest. With my two month vacation coming to an end, I suddenly realized I have a lot to do. A TBR pile I had to get on with. Downloading the vampire diaries. I already saw the final epi, but I wanna know what led to that. Putting on weight (unintentionally) Losing the weight... Continue Reading →

Get Word Crushed!

My Blog. My Opinion. That sounds way too serious. tsk! Anyway, on here all I'm going to do is write. At the end of the day, we all have frustrations and if we're lucky we also got happy thoughts we want to spill. I`m going to spill them here. I love poetry and it is... Continue Reading →

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