Talking To Strangers

Every parent (I`m guessing) is charged with the duty from God (again, guessing) to warn their child/children not to speak with children. The first reason is kidnapping. As we group up the reasons get worse. So, to avoid hearing or picturing bad things happen to you, we accept the truth. Right? I took these kinds... Continue Reading →

Little Things

"Everything matters"  I am a strong believer that every word of appreciation counts. Today my sister and I went out. We went shopping first and then grabbed an early dinner at a restaurant I've been wanting to go to since it opened. You should know when I order something it usually isn't good. So I've... Continue Reading →

How to be broke

Take it from a person with a bank balance that doesn't qualify for traveling, but is enough to buy a pizza, that somehow in today's world you can never be not-broke. I mean, I think twice before using the vending machine at my office! I think it's the mind games, you know. Like when I... Continue Reading →

Do you think SRK will hear me?

This week I wondered what it would be like to write a script for Shah Rukh Khan. I hope whoever is reading this knows SRK. Google him, if you don't. He is the king of hearts irl. He is a humble, kind and generous man. Obviously, a great actor too. I read news headlines that... Continue Reading →

The Case of Rage

People are stupid. Do you ever feel like you are yelling at a wall? A person who acts like a wall? Because no matter what you say, they just listen neither do they understand and they have an army of people ready to agree with them. Nobody likes to admit that what they are doing... Continue Reading →

Choices Break Me

Over 90% of my time is wasted away stuck in a dilemma. Should I say this and If I say this, will that happen? I play scenarios in seconds over and over in my head. Choices break me on the inside. Have you ever felt so scared of losing people by saying or doing the... Continue Reading →

Big Girls Cry

When I hear a girl crying over a boy, I cringe. This is the reason I don't tell anyone when I'm doing the exact same thing. Obviously, the guy has an idea. Who else do you think I pass on my mental stress and tension to other than my mom? Do you think someone can get... Continue Reading →

Kick-started A Diet Today

I just had to write diet in all caps, because I have never been on a diet before. Believe it or not, the universe is helping. Either I'm adding to the weight on mother earth or I've had two coincidences today. I know you are probably laughing and I can think of two reasons why... Continue Reading →

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